Delivering Better Outcomes for Patients and Payers

Our solutions are evidence-based, data-driven, and designed to simplify processes for claims professionals and clinicians.

Managing pharmacy spend and improving patient outcomes

We’re a team of clinicians, claims professionals, and industry veterans with a passion for helping patients and building a resilient community around patient advocacy, transparency, and delivering better service to payers.

Leading Change in Pharmacy Benefits Management & Post Acute Care

We put the needs of patients first, and realign the interests of patients, providers, and payers.

Complete Transparency

Free of conflicts, Prodigy offers transparency without compromise.

Deliver programs that create value for payers and ensures that each patient is on the right drug at the right time, every time.

Fiduciary Management

Powerful evidence-based clinical solutions to improve outcomes and help employees return to work.

Proactive Clinical Controls

Real-time reporting, data-driven decision-making,  financial modeling and predictive analytics.

Best-in-Class Analytics and Business Intelligence

Schedule an introduction with our Prodigy Leaders

Our team is comprised of experienced pharmacy and PAC executives who are dedicated to creating a better, more transparent experience for payers. Let’s schedule a time to discuss your goals and create a strategy that results in better cost management and greater patient outcomes.

Overview of Services

Pharmacy Benefits Management

Through Prodigy’s proprietary technology platform and clinical solutions, payers benefit from a streamlined and frictionless pharmacy program that is comprehensive, turnkey, and scalable to deliver clinical management and cost controls.

Post-Acute Care Solutions

Prodigy offers a growing national network of PAC providers in eight traditional post-acute care types including Rehab Hospitals, Long Term Acute Care Hospitals, Skilled Nursing Facilities, Residential Brain Injury & Spinal Cord Centers, Assisted Living Facilities, and Skilled Home Health and Care Companion providers.

Specialty Bill Negotiations

Prodigy offers unique solutions that ensure clients pay market-competitive rates, reduce waste and maximize savings across pharmacy and medical settings.

Facility Medication Management

Through this program, our payer partners now have the ability to derive additional revenue from drug rebates on high expense/high acuity drugs dispensed in institutional and ambulatory care settings. Prodigy’s uses unique tools to identify, quantify and qualify drugs for rebate revenue.

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